Evesham Sub Aqua Club – or ESAC, as we call ourselves – is a friendly and active volunteer-led club based in the Vale of Evesham. We offer internationally recognised scuba diving and snorkelling training from a wide range of instructors, as well as active dive and social calendars. We even have two instructors qualified to train disabled divers – there are currently only twelve such instructors in the UK! Our instructors and committee are all volunteers, and have safety at the forefront of all we do.
Club night is Wednesday at Pershore Leisure Centre, where we train, swim and socialise. Afterwards, we move to The Pickled Plum for a drink and a chat. Come along and meet us, or use the contact page to get in touch.
“Since I joined ESAC, I can’t believe how fast my diving has progressed. I’ve made so many friends, and everyone is so happy to help and advise. I couldn’t ask for more.”
Jane, Sports Diver
Take a look round our site and see what we have to offer.
Evesham Sub Aqua Club is affiliated to the British Sub Aqua Club (BSAC). The British Sub Aqua Club is the largest and most successful diving club in the world, and has trained hundreds of thousands of people to dive since being founded in 1953. BSAC is a volunteer-led organisation, whose qualifications are recognised across the world. BSAC supports local clubs such as ESAC and enables us to work with other clubs in the area, such as our friends at Cotswold 332. Evesham Sub Aqua Club welcomes divers from anywhere and any agency, but most of our members are from Worcestershire or Gloucestershire.